announcement: June 11th (Tuesday) – June 14th (Friday), 2024 We will exhibit at the 106th Pitti Immagine Uomo We will be exhibiting at Pitti Immagine Uomo in 2024 as well.

During the event, we will update the local situation on Facebook and Instagram from time to time.
Also check this!

Updated 6/14

The third day of PITTI UOMO ended successfully.Thank you very much for visiting us today!

Continuing from the second day, Narita Shinist is very busy.People who come to visit us take a serious look at how they are polishing their products.

Introducing this time’s Pitti People!
The entire venue is yellow, a nod to lemons, so any outfit will look great✨

PITTI is also early, and today is the last day.Thank you for your continued support on the last day.

Updated on 6/13

The second day of PITTI ended successfully.

The booth was a great success, with many customers visiting!Everyone was paying attention to Narita Shinist’s polish.Some people look at the monitor showing their hands, some take pictures as a souvenir, some see the craftsmanship up close, etc.
I’m glad that so many people are interested.

I bought sunflowers 🌻 from a flower shop inside the PITTI venue and decorated them.
This time’s theme is “lemon”, so the colors blend in very well.

I also took photos with fashionistas.Today is the third day of PITTI. The end is near,
We will do our best to deliver Boot Black products to as many people as possible!

Updated 06/12

The first day of Pitti ended successfully! Thank you very much for visiting us.
This time, we are proposing a new polishing called “PITTI SHINE”.Using three colors from the artist palette: “Mojito”, “Neutral” and “Rouge”,Polish your brown shoes with a hue reminiscent of the Italian flag.

We prepared COLUMBUS chocolates at the booth.
We are looking forward to seeing many customers from tomorrow!

Updated on 06/11

Today is finally Pitti’s first day!
We worked on displaying the booth after construction was completed.The products were lined up and the booth became even more stylish.
This time’s Pitti theme lemon is also decorated 🍋

We are looking forward to seeing you all for 4 days from today!

Updated on June 10th
The other day, on June 8th, our staff departed for Florence.
This time, we will transfer at Zurich Airport in Switzerland and head to Florence, Italy.
At Zurich Airport, the country’s characteristics seemed to be evident, as the watches were branded!
After arriving in Florence, construction work began at the PITTI venue.
I spoke to the workers in Italian, but thanks to the interpreter I was able to communicate with them.
The June booth is a cool beige color. Finished in a stylish color just like the image!
Today is the delivery day, so we plan to display the products on the shelves of the booth.
Pitti Immagine Uomo106 will finally be held from tomorrow the 11th.
We will update the progress on the day, so please look forward to it!

Updated on 2024.06.05

PITTI UOMO is finally approaching next week (June 11th to 14th), and the COLLECTIONS SHOE POLISH postcards have been completed!
The surface has a simple design using a photo of a man.
I’m sure this man was reading the newspaper, and suddenly his eyes fell on someone whose shoes were beautifully polished, and he thought (stop reading the newspaper) that he too had to use Boot Black to clean his shoes. …I’m sure you’re thinking about it.
On the back is an explanation (in English) of high shine using Collections Shoe Polish.
At our booth, we would like to hand out lots of new products to promote our new products!
The booth location this time is the same as last time.

HALL:Padiglione Centrale
FLOOR:Piano Attico

Thank you for your support.

Updated on 2024.05.21
Summer PITTI UOMO (Florence from June 11th to 14th) is about to begin! Continuing from last time, we will be selling under the Boot Black brand. This time’s booth image has been completed. The design incorporates the trendy beige color, and the LED lighting is angled to brightly illuminate the walls. We will keep you updated on the preparation status of the exhibition, so please look forward to it!